Once again I cannot believe how fast my little boy is growing! He is now 17 weeks old and will be 4 months old in 3 days.
He is doing really well, growing so fast and learning so many new things every day! He definitely needs a lot of mental stimulation or else he cries. He gets bored very easily, but when thing are going on he's as happy as anything! He has been teething a LOT lately, chewing his little fingers and my hands and drooling all over everything. I think it's been causing him a lot of pain so we've been giving him infant tylenol (paracetamol) which seems to help. I've gotten some teething tablets which I'm going to try as soon as I get the okay from my health visitor tomorrow.
He's also getting weighed tomorrow which I'm looking forward to! I'm sure he has had TWO growth spurts since the last time he was weighed a month or so ago. Last time he was 13.1 lbs and I'm pretty sure hes ATLEAST 14.5 now. He's so heavy!
A few days ago Adam was eating a banana and let him suck on it which he loved! He doesn't eat it but I think it feels good on his teeth. Today I put one in the fridge and he loved it but started screaming when I took it away...haha! He is technically allowed to have tastes of foods now that he's 17 weeks, but we're going to take it slow I think. We'll probably let him try baby cereal sometime in the next week or two but until then the bananas will have to suffice!
I got some adorable photos of him this evening. It was nice because today we had some friends over (Laura and her daughter Amelia who is 3 weeks older than Reuben).
(ok, got distracted and busy so now am continuing this on Tuesday, Reuben is now 17 weeks 1 day!)
So, lots to say but little time to do it!I'm taking Reuben swimming tomorrow which should be fun, hopefully it will wear him out! We just got back from the health visitor and he is now 14.1 lbs and has gotten the okay to start solids - I will probably start with baby cereal and then she recommended sweet potatoes and banana. Will post photos .. :o)
Anyways I still have no time and I need to go eat while he is asleep!
until next time! :)