Tuesday, March 30, 2010

21 weeks, 2 days!

My oh my, I'm glad I am blogging this pregnancy because it seems like it was just yesterday that I didn't even believe I was pregnant. Now I've got the appetite of an elephant, the bladder the size of a sea monkey, and some kinda Rocky Balboa punching me from the inside every couple hours. How much more prego could I get?! haha :)

Let's see whats new! Well, the most exciting thing at the moment is how often I am feeling this little guy kick and punch. It's to the point where I can see my stomach move when he does! It's creepy and it feels weird sometimes when I'm not expecting it, but it always makes me smile! haha. Every time I feel him start to go crazy I yell to Adam to come feel but it's as if he just KNOWS that daddy is going to try and say hello...so he goes back to sleep. Well, just tonight I felt a big punch or kick and I said to Adam, "he's going crazy!" and he put his hand on my tummy and WAM it scares us both! It was so amazing I got a little teary...haha. Adam was in awe by it anyways, it was just so awesome to actually be able to SHARE the pregnancy! It was so cool.

In other news, my mom is planning on visiting in the beginning of May, and there's a lady at my church who is wanting to do a baby shower for us so I think the plan is to have it May 1st while my mom is here! I hope it works out, that would be AWESOME.

AND I have finally found the baby bedding that I want. It is SO cute. I know that I had decided on sheep a long time ago, but when we discovered it was a boy I felt like I probably should have waiting -- so we compromised, we are going to have a farm theme...and after much searching I have finally found the PERFECT bedding. Here it is: (Isn't it ADORABLE?!)

It's from the States so my mom is helping me out by bringing it/sending it to us! I'm SOOO happy. I LOVE IT!! :)

Well my next appointment isn't for another couple weeks so for now it's just all about watching my baby belly grow! I admit that pregnancy is WEIRD. My belly feels huge and my bellybutton is all stretched and strange looking. I can't imagine being as big as I am going to be! Oh, and so far on the weight-o-meter I have gained just under 10 pounds.

And, our baby is no longer measured crown-to-rump but head to toe! So that explains the growth spurt :)

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

20.4 Weeks, Photo!

Here we are at 20.4 weeks, I actually look pregnant now! Can't believe it :)

Me and my little boy:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!! (20 weeks, 2 days)

We are SO excited to announce our news: We are having a baby boy!!!

We had the ultrasound this morning at 9:30am, needless to say I hardly slept last night and woke up at 6:24 this morning! We took off at about 8 and I felt sick, this ultrasound is the big one where the technician looks at everything and measures the baby. They check that everything is developing properly. While I wasn't overly nervous that anything was wrong, I still had a tiny bit of anxiety so the whole way there I just couldn't wait! We finally arrived and as soon as we got there they let us in. I admit that a lot of it is a bit of a blur since I was just so excited to find out what it was! This time around the baby was a LOT bigger than at 12 weeks! It was crazy. The technology is astounding - the technician showed us all 4 chambers of the heart, the kidneys, the bladder, the stomach, the eyes (well the sockets..hahah), the lips to check for a cleft palate, the arms and legs, feet and hands...everything! She said he was a wiggly one which isn't hard to believe...I have been eating a lot of sugary things lately, haha.

They measured his bones to check that he was developing on time and he's pretty average, coming in the 50th-ish percentine for everything except for abdominal circumference which was more like 75th so he's a little chubbo! He's about 16-17 cm long (6 1/2 inches) and their guess weight is 13 ounces or just under a pound (though I wouldn't trust these weight-guesses, they are never right.)

Finally at the end she said to us, "would you like to know what I think it is?" and we said yes! She said, "I think it's a boy." Now at this stage I imagined that she would show us what exactly led her to believe it was a boy, but she didn't!!! So I asked..."Can you tell me WHY you think it's a boy?" And within minutes, let's just say I had undisputable evidence that I am having a little boy! OR a girl with some serious problems. lol.

Unfortunately I wasn't as impressed with the ultrasound photo as I was last time - the technician was acting rushed and didn't really care to try and give us a decent photo so that was annoying. Oh well, all I care about is my healthy little baby boy!!!!

So, we can now narrow our name-hunt to one gender which is very helpful! We can also be at peace with the amount of blue things we have bought :) I am soooO excited. I can't believe we are going to have a son. AHH. Also, while we've had a sheep theme going, I think we're going to extend it to "farm" theme so we can have cute tractors and stuff as well!

And, in conclusion we have our weekly fruit...he is now the size of a cantaloupe!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

19 Weeks!

This week the baby is the size of a MANGO! Once again I can't quite believe another week has gone by. He/she is getting huge!

From thebump.com...

Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

Crazy. This week I have been feeling movements like crazy! Especially when I eat or drink anything particularly cold/hot. It's so amazing to feel something moving in there, and I can't wait to be feeling arms and legs and letting Adam feel too! I still listen to the heartbeat monitor every day, it is SO comforting to have because I worry so much, haha. Yesterday my dog jumped on me and it scared me a lot, so I've been continually checking the heartbeat monitor, and am feeling movements as we speak! So I don't think there is anything to worry about!

I've just gotten my antenatal class schedule! I'm so excited for it and can't quite believe that I am at the point in my pregnancy where I even have to THINK about this. Anyways, it starts in June and goes until the end of July, and it's a class for both parents, it sounds great. Definitely something I will keep everyone updated on! A couple other reality checks this week - I had some SEVERE back pain the other day. My back hurt so bad on the right side and down around the side of my abdomen. I cried for about an hour before I called my midwife. She just told me to take tylenol and lay down with a hot water bottle and call back if it didn't go away in an hour. I had to go to work though...so I laid down for about 10 minutes and then took off. Fortunately the pain went away after about 30 mins. It was so painful though; I have no idea what that was all about. The other reality check was at work...I had to write a list of things I do at work that other people will need to take over while I'm on maternity leave. I sat there writing the list and at the top wrote, "Things to do while Sara is on Maternity Leave". I read it and just thought.."what?!!" It's all still so unreal to me.

Hmm. what else! Well I now officially know 14 people who are pregnant and due this year along with me. FOURTEEN. The number literally grows daily. The cool part is that 2 people I am really close to - one is due 3 weeks before me and one is due 3 weeks after. Pretty cool.

We got a webcam this week which has been awesome, I've been able to chat with my mom and my aunt mary and my cousins which was so cool! Although they all keep saying, "stand up, I want to see your bump!" haha. :)

I'm sure there is even more that I could say but I need to go get ready for Church! Oh that reminds me, there is a lady in my church who is planning a baby shower for me! I am so excited, it makes me feel very at home here. It's difficult not being with family at this time so it's wonderful to know there are people who really care about Adam and I (and our little baby!)

Ok that is all for now - 9 days until we find out if we are having a girl or boy...Place your bets!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

18 Weeks!

This week....
"Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon."

Well, I'm a day late so I'm now actually 18 weeks 1 day! Time is still flying by, although now I can tell the baby is catching up with me. I definetly have a bump which is okay most of the time but occasionally it feels like the baby has rolled his/herself into a ball and starts throwing itself around in there. Whenever I get this uncomfortable feeling, I shout to Adam, "Bowling Ball!" haha. It's awesome finally being able to feel pregnant though!!

In AWESOME news, I am finally feeling movements. I actually started feeling them about 2 weeks ago but was convinced that it was too early. Now I feel them regularly, and they actually pretty strong. I notice it the most when I'm drinking something which is funny:) I am still listening to the heartbeat every day and while I still worry a little bit that everything is growing and developing okay, it really comforts me a LOT to hear the little beating heart any time I want!

I am SO excited and have finally started the big countdown to when we find out if it is a girl or boy. We are finding out in 15 days from today - March 23rd, and thankfully, at 9:30 am! Last ultrasound was at 4:15pm so I had to endure the gruelingly long day first..haha. I am beyond excited, and I don't care if it is a boy or girl (although EVERYONE says it is a boy - I believe I have had 2, maybe 3 people say it is a girl) I just want a healthy baby!

This week we got our moses basket, or bassinet, whatever you want to call it! Again we got it on eBay, and again it's practically brand new! It's adorable, and it's in front of me right now -- I love seeing it and thinking about how in 4 1/2 months I will have a little baby laying in there (probably screaming).

In other news, we just got some approval from our church to have a lot of things done to our house, which I am SO happy about. We are having the downstairs re-carpeted, the bathroom floor redone, and the baby's room re-carpeted. I'm so excited because the church is paying for it all (it is their house), and it needed to be done.

Well, I'm off - we have some errands to run, such as searching for our new carpets -- yay! Oh, and only 2 more months until my mom is planning to come visit! WOOHOOOO.

Monday, March 1, 2010