This week the baby is the size of a MANGO! Once again I can't quite believe another week has gone by. He/she is getting huge!
From thebump.com...
Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.
Crazy. This week I have been feeling movements like crazy! Especially when I eat or drink anything particularly cold/hot. It's so amazing to feel something moving in there, and I can't wait to be feeling arms and legs and letting Adam feel too! I still listen to the heartbeat monitor every day, it is SO comforting to have because I worry so much, haha. Yesterday my dog jumped on me and it scared me a lot, so I've been continually checking the heartbeat monitor, and am feeling movements as we speak! So I don't think there is anything to worry about!
I've just gotten my antenatal class schedule! I'm so excited for it and can't quite believe that I am at the point in my pregnancy where I even have to THINK about this. Anyways, it starts in June and goes until the end of July, and it's a class for both parents, it sounds great. Definitely something I will keep everyone updated on! A couple other reality checks this week - I had some SEVERE back pain the other day. My back hurt so bad on the right side and down around the side of my abdomen. I cried for about an hour before I called my midwife. She just told me to take tylenol and lay down with a hot water bottle and call back if it didn't go away in an hour. I had to go to work though...so I laid down for about 10 minutes and then took off. Fortunately the pain went away after about 30 mins. It was so painful though; I have no idea what that was all about. The other reality check was at work...I had to write a list of things I do at work that other people will need to take over while I'm on maternity leave. I sat there writing the list and at the top wrote, "Things to do while Sara is on Maternity Leave". I read it and just thought.."what?!!" It's all still so unreal to me.
Hmm. what else! Well I now officially know 14 people who are pregnant and due this year along with me. FOURTEEN. The number literally grows daily. The cool part is that 2 people I am really close to - one is due 3 weeks before me and one is due 3 weeks after. Pretty cool.
We got a webcam this week which has been awesome, I've been able to chat with my mom and my aunt mary and my cousins which was so cool! Although they all keep saying, "stand up, I want to see your bump!" haha. :)
I'm sure there is even more that I could say but I need to go get ready for Church! Oh that reminds me, there is a lady in my church who is planning a baby shower for me! I am so excited, it makes me feel very at home here. It's difficult not being with family at this time so it's wonderful to know there are people who really care about Adam and I (and our little baby!)
Ok that is all for now - 9 days until we find out if we are having a girl or boy...Place your bets!!
i think its possible its a alien...hehe...i'd say a boy..but thats what i said about mine and look how that turned out...lol...keep writing..love reading