Let's see whats new! Well, the most exciting thing at the moment is how often I am feeling this little guy kick and punch. It's to the point where I can see my stomach move when he does! It's creepy and it feels weird sometimes when I'm not expecting it, but it always makes me smile! haha. Every time I feel him start to go crazy I yell to Adam to come feel but it's as if he just KNOWS that daddy is going to try and say hello...so he goes back to sleep. Well, just tonight I felt a big punch or kick and I said to Adam, "he's going crazy!" and he put his hand on my tummy and WAM it scares us both! It was so amazing I got a little teary...haha. Adam was in awe by it anyways, it was just so awesome to actually be able to SHARE the pregnancy! It was so cool.
In other news, my mom is planning on visiting in the beginning of May, and there's a lady at my church who is wanting to do a baby shower for us so I think the plan is to have it May 1st while my mom is here! I hope it works out, that would be AWESOME.
AND I have finally found the baby bedding that I want. It is SO cute. I know that I had decided on sheep a long time ago, but when we discovered it was a boy I felt like I probably should have waiting -- so we compromised, we are going to have a farm theme...and after much searching I have finally found the PERFECT bedding. Here it is: (Isn't it ADORABLE?!)

It's from the States so my mom is helping me out by bringing it/sending it to us! I'm SOOO happy. I LOVE IT!! :)
Well my next appointment isn't for another couple weeks so for now it's just all about watching my baby belly grow! I admit that pregnancy is WEIRD. My belly feels huge and my bellybutton is all stretched and strange looking. I can't imagine being as big as I am going to be! Oh, and so far on the weight-o-meter I have gained just under 10 pounds.
And, our baby is no longer measured crown-to-rump but head to toe! So that explains the growth spurt :)

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
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