We are SO excited to announce our news: We are having a baby boy!!!
We had the ultrasound this morning at 9:30am, needless to say I hardly slept last night and woke up at 6:24 this morning! We took off at about 8 and I felt sick, this ultrasound is the big one where the technician looks at everything and measures the baby. They check that everything is developing properly. While I wasn't overly nervous that anything was wrong, I still had a tiny bit of anxiety so the whole way there I just couldn't wait! We finally arrived and as soon as we got there they let us in. I admit that a lot of it is a bit of a blur since I was just so excited to find out what it was! This time around the baby was a LOT bigger than at 12 weeks! It was crazy. The technology is astounding - the technician showed us all 4 chambers of the heart, the kidneys, the bladder, the stomach, the eyes (well the sockets..hahah), the lips to check for a cleft palate, the arms and legs, feet and hands...everything! She said he was a wiggly one which isn't hard to believe...I have been eating a lot of sugary things lately, haha.
They measured his bones to check that he was developing on time and he's pretty average, coming in the 50th-ish percentine for everything except for abdominal circumference which was more like 75th so he's a little chubbo! He's about 16-17 cm long (6 1/2 inches) and their guess weight is 13 ounces or just under a pound (though I wouldn't trust these weight-guesses, they are never right.)
Finally at the end she said to us, "would you like to know what I think it is?" and we said yes! She said, "I think it's a boy." Now at this stage I imagined that she would show us what exactly led her to believe it was a boy, but she didn't!!! So I asked..."Can you tell me WHY you think it's a boy?" And within minutes, let's just say I had undisputable evidence that I am having a little boy! OR a girl with some serious problems. lol.
Unfortunately I wasn't as impressed with the ultrasound photo as I was last time - the technician was acting rushed and didn't really care to try and give us a decent photo so that was annoying. Oh well, all I care about is my healthy little baby boy!!!!
So, we can now narrow our name-hunt to one gender which is very helpful! We can also be at peace with the amount of blue things we have bought :) I am soooO excited. I can't believe we are going to have a son. AHH. Also, while we've had a sheep theme going, I think we're going to extend it to "farm" theme so we can have cute tractors and stuff as well!
And, in conclusion we have our weekly fruit...he is now the size of a cantaloupe!

I'm so excited! Congrats Sara!