This week....
"Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon."
Well, I'm a day late so I'm now actually 18 weeks 1 day! Time is still flying by, although now I can tell the baby is catching up with me. I definetly have a bump which is okay most of the time but occasionally it feels like the baby has rolled his/herself into a ball and starts throwing itself around in there. Whenever I get this uncomfortable feeling, I shout to Adam, "Bowling Ball!" haha. It's awesome finally being able to feel pregnant though!!
In AWESOME news, I am finally feeling movements. I actually started feeling them about 2 weeks ago but was convinced that it was too early. Now I feel them regularly, and they actually pretty strong. I notice it the most when I'm drinking something which is funny:) I am still listening to the heartbeat every day and while I still worry a little bit that everything is growing and developing okay, it really comforts me a LOT to hear the little beating heart any time I want!
I am SO excited and have finally started the big countdown to when we find out if it is a girl or boy. We are finding out in 15 days from today - March 23rd, and thankfully, at 9:30 am! Last ultrasound was at 4:15pm so I had to endure the gruelingly long day first..haha. I am beyond excited, and I don't care if it is a boy or girl (although EVERYONE says it is a boy - I believe I have had 2, maybe 3 people say it is a girl) I just want a healthy baby!
This week we got our moses basket, or bassinet, whatever you want to call it! Again we got it on eBay, and again it's practically brand new! It's adorable, and it's in front of me right now -- I love seeing it and thinking about how in 4 1/2 months I will have a little baby laying in there (probably screaming).
In other news, we just got some approval from our church to have a lot of things done to our house, which I am SO happy about. We are having the downstairs re-carpeted, the bathroom floor redone, and the baby's room re-carpeted. I'm so excited because the church is paying for it all (it is their house), and it needed to be done.
Well, I'm off - we have some errands to run, such as searching for our new carpets -- yay! Oh, and only 2 more months until my mom is planning to come visit! WOOHOOOO.
so excited that you can feel baby now...so awesome isnt it...can't wait for the news if it's a boy or girl!!!