I meant to post yesterday on Reuben's 6 month birthday but just didn't have a chance! We did spend yesterday taking some photos which was fun and then our friend Amanda took Reuben for 2 hours while we packed our things for the States! It was an incredibly productive 2 hours.
Reuben got home around 5:15 and we had dinner, played, had a bath then story and he was in bed asleep by 6:15. The night wasn't great but not horrible either. I'm still exhausted but I feel like he is making progress - for the last few days he has been having long afternoon naps and sleeping 3 hours at a time during the night. Last night wasn't AS good - but it was still like this:
We were then up for a while then he had another 30-40 minute nap around 7. I did some reading online about "breaking the overtired cycle" and everyone says to put them to bed really early so thats what I've been doing. It has helped in the fact that he now has long afternoon naps and like I said, is sleeping in longer chunks at night. He is now waking up because he is hungry and not for no reason like he was before!
We've also got him "Ewan the Dream Sheep" which is a stuffed sheep which plays 4 different sounds with a heartbeat - womb, rain, vaccuum, and lullabies. He does seem to calm down with it (it makes REAL womb noises, which is really cool).
This morning at around 10 Adam and I went out and finished shopping for our trip. We got some last minute gifts and things to bring to the States with us, and Reuben fell asleep for 30 minutes. He woke up for about 15 minutes and now he is asleep again! Been down for about 30 minutes now and still snoring away :)
As far as hitting his developmental milestones, Reuben is doing well! He can now sit up on his own for quite a few minutes at a time. He picks up objects and throws them then looks at them. This morning he was holding onto my legs and standing!! He turns to the sound of voices/his name.
Feeding Reuben solids continues to be fun and challenging! He is very picky but is enjoying Baby Led Weaning. He had some jam on toast this morning (just a tiny peice..way too much sugar in there...haha) and I let him taste some cream cheese too. He had some fruit for breakfast though..typical.
What else? Not much other than heading to the states in just FOUR days. I am ready to go. I am ready for my little munchkin to meet all the people in his life that already love him before they have even met him!