I'm now 25 weeks pregnant, and we're having a girl! I'm SO excited. When we went to the scan I realized how badly I was hoping for a little girl; when they said it was a girl I cried! I am so happy and feel so fortunate to have one boy and one girl. Our family is going to be a proper little family! (And the teams will be even..!)
Reuben is now 13 1/2 months old and doing wonderfully. He's so smart and interested in everything - and INTO everything! He started walking a few weeks ago and there is no stopping him. His favorite things at the moment are pretty much anything with wheels - he loves pushing things around the room! He's really into throwing things in the trash can as well...yesterday we found one tube of diaper cream and our unopened bag of starbucks coffee. Good save.
He's also talking a little bit - says "hi" (or Hiya) and "bye" (...or By-a..which he made up.) He says mama and "aga" a lot but we aren't really sure what that means. Theory has it that "Aga" means "Adam" since I'm always shouting at Adam...hahahah.
He's hitting and exceeding milestones for his age - he plays with a ball which is a 15 month milestone (and he's been doing that for a while!), walks confidently (14 month milestone) Helps around the house (15 month milestone). He also had his first haircut, ridiculous how much hair he had at 13 months!
I'm so proud of my little man! He's still sleeping well - 7pm-about 6am, and we've just switched him to one nap a day since he's starting to go to daycare on Thursday. I've started my college courses so I need some time to get that done!
So..on the note of what I've been up to...well, like I said I've started my classes. We've also applied for Adam's visa to immigrate back to the USA. We are hoping that all will go through by July or August and we'll move back then! WAY too excited about that!!!
I've been spending a LOT of time cooking lately. We have started planning out our weekly meals every week so it makes for a much cheaper and more exciting dinner time! Lately I've made Apple Crisp (neighbor's apples), Apple & Blackberry Crumble (neighbor's apples and neighborhood blackberries!) and today I made Creamy Parsnip Soup from parsnips I grew myself! I've been having a lot of fun cooking and it's so much nicer to be organized about food. Reuben is now eating whatever we eat which is SO much easier - though I feel like he's not getting any many vegetables as he should so we're working on that one :).
I start my next maternity leave on November 30th so not too long to go before I'm off work again! Before we know it our baby girl will be here and life will be even more insane than it is now!
Well, I think that's all for now. Hopefully it won't be another 4 months before I update again..!!