I find it really hard to believe that in a week and a half, my little baby is going to be 3 months old. While I'm sad that time has already gone by so quickly, I have really been anticipating this stage of his life. He can finally smile and laugh, he loves being cuddled, he can grab at his toys, and I'm not so frustrated with breastfeeding anymore.
He can just about hold his head up on his own which means in the next few weeks we can finally get out his jumperoo and his johnny jumper (door jumper). He's been in the jumperoo and loves it but he just isn't quite steady enough yet for me to not be helping him.
He is SO strong. Everyone who holds him says how strong he is. I'm happy that he's a strong boy but I never got a little floppy baby! He's always been strong!
We have his next weigh-in next week, last time he was weighed was almost a month ago and he was 11 lbs 14 1/2 oz. I'm hoping he's gained some weight since the last time he was weighed he had only gained 5oz in a week and a half - which I was told that was fine but I want him to gain better than that.
He also had his first injections a couple weeks ago. I didn't go in the room with him; I HATE needles (despite having a C-section) and I seriously can't bear to watch. Adam went in with him and he said he was fine except on the second shot he wriggled so he bled a little. Obviously this freaked me right out when I saw the little marks on his legs. I just can't deal with it. I dread taking him when he's just a little bit older and more aware - it's definitely going to be an Adam job for a while.
Let's see...what else? He's been fitting into 3-6 month clothing for a while now, and I can't see them fitting him until he is 6 months old thats for sure. I've already bought all of his Christmas presents ... I have always been ridiculously excited for Christmas but this year is just so much more special! I also can't wait because around Christmas time he will start eating which will be such a fun/big stage for him!
He's sitting here with me, cooing and playing with his toys. And kicking me. And now I need to go change his diaper.
Back. We are still using cloth diapers, but he recently got diaper rash pretty bad (after our trip to London) so we've been using disposables for a few days because apparently you shouldn't use diaper rash cream when using reusables? I don't know how else to clear it up. Anyways we're now using BumGenius, a couple of Rumparooz which were given to us by my friend Jenny and we LOVE them, and some Bambino Mios.
So we had our trip to London this past weekend and while I don't have time to elaborate on the whole trip, it was fun because we got to see family but acutally going into London was not so fun! Too many people, and we were stuck in the American embassy for THREE HOURS getting his American Passport. I'm glad we did it but I'm also very glad it's over with. He now has dual citizenship which is something I'm very proud of and glad we could give him.
Well I've gotta go take care of my little munchkin!
Bye for now!
Once again, great job mama! Sounds like he's doing amazing!