Sunday, November 14, 2010

14 Weeks Old...Where has my baby gone?!

Well I have a few minutes to write since I've got Reuben down for a before-bed nap.

Since the last update, quite a bit has changed! My little man is really looking like a little boy now and not so much like a newborn anymore! Sometimes I look at him and think about how he used to be so small, but most of the time I'm so happy to have gotten to this point and still be sane. It has been a difficult ride so far but so amazing to see a little person grow and learn every single day.

He can now hold his head up really well, he laughs a LOT (especially at lights and mirrors) and loves bathtime! We have been trying for about 5 days or so to get into a night time routine so that he sleeps better at night and it seems to be working. He goes to bed between 7-8:30 (depending on when his last nap of the day is) and usually sleeps about 3 1/2 hours, then it varies but never gets longer than 3 1/2 really. It hasn't been SO bad, but I'm fairly exhausted. Not tired so much...just exhausted.

I've also concluded that he's teething, which is hard for me to believe. How can my little baby be teething!? But for the last week or so he can only be up for 1 1/2 hours at a time before he starts FREAKING OUT and needs a nap - and in the evenings the only thing that calms him down is teething gel and letting him chew my hand. Which hurts. A lot. He really has a bite!

Last week on Wednesday we went to a professional photographer and had his picture taken and also a couple photos of the three of us. I am BEYOND excited to see these pictures. The photographer won Kodak Photographer of the year and I saw some of his work which was amazing. I was convinced that he wouldn't be able to get Reuby to smile, but as I was sitting there (I wasn't allowed to watch in front of Reuben because I would distract him) I could hear constant giggles!! It was adorable. I can't wait! We are going on Wednesday to view the photos and order the ones we want. It's going to cost a buttload to get some, but it's what I asked for for my birthday/Christmas. I've always wanted nice photos like this and I never thought I'd have the opportunity.

What else? In January we've signed up for a Baby Massage Class which should be fun. I'm still going to a breastfeeding group on Tuesdays and still breastfeeding exclusively which I'm proud of - although I am looking forward to when we can start giving him foods so I won't be having to feed SO often. I think breastfeeding is one of the most incredible things I have ever done, but it's been difficult as well.

I'm SO looking forward to giving him baby cereal, which I plan on doing at 17 weeks if I think he's ready!

Gotta cut this short though, he's just woken up and it's bathtime!

Will post photos soon :)

1 comment:

  1. That is so fantastic...All of it...I can't wait to see those pictures...I am so happy that even after all the complications, you are still breast-feeding!!! That is just amazing :)...You are a wonderful Mama!!!!
