...at this very moment, I was getting ready to go into the hospital. I had no idea what my future held - except that I was soon going to be a mommy! 8 months later, I am the very, very proud mommy of the most beautiful, amazing little boy I've ever met.
The last 8 months have not been easy. They have been challenging in so many respects. In fact, one of the biggest challenges yet has been in the last few days. Reuben has a bacterial infection and has been miserable for two days last night Adam and I took one-hour shifts rocking him as he dozed. I got up this morning after a night of 3 hours of broken sleep. Out of all the times I have said "I'm exhausted," nothing quite compares to how I feel right now. I dread how much sleep I am not going to get tonight. But, I am so proud and so very lucky to be taking care of my beautiful boy.
What a priviledge it is. In the last month, Reuben has changed SO much. He is now crawling ALL over the place - getting into everything, opening drawers and doors and pulling things off shelves. He is very, very giggly and ticklish which I LOVE. His hair is growing at a rapid pace, which is hilarious. He has the emo "side-sweep." hahah.
He is now eating more, feeding himself sandwiches and baby cookies. He eats most things now but isn't really as big of an eater as I had anticipated. I'm still breastfeeding and he seems to prefer milk to food at the moment, which I've just been told that all babies are different and some take a little longer to want to eat. He's not very big for his age - he was weighed last week and hes 17lbs 4oz - but the health visitor said it's because he's so active! Very understandable, he NEVER wants to sit still.
So what have we done in the last month?
Went to the Beach 

Had our first sandwich! 
Went on a picnic with our friends Laura and Amelia

And my FAVORITE: We went to Tropiquaria as a Mother's Day gift!! So much fun. 

It's been a good month, and I am thoroughly enjoying spending time with my rapidly growing little boy! I am so proud of him and amazed at how quickly he learns things. He's become quite the little cling-on though, always crawling towards me and grabbing my legs. When I pick him up he gives me the biggest hug, I love it!!