(Ok, so he was 8 months yesterday, but these photos are from yesterday!)
And to top it off, he is doing much better - last night he slept SO WELL in comparison to the last couple weeks. I only fed him twice in the night, and he slept 9-something to 1:30, and though he woke up a couple other times he slept 5-something (I didn't look at the clock) until 7:45am which is the latest he has EVER slept. I think he's just catching up on all the sleep he has missed in the last three nights. Either way, I woke up before him this morning at 7:05 wondering if I had overdosed him or something. I went and checked on him though and he was breathing sleeping happily away!
Love my little man SO much. And he's napping right now. JOY. <3
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