Sunday, April 11, 2010


23 weeks! This is a big milestone because up until now, if anything went wrong - sadly the hospital/doctors do nothing to intervene. Now is the time when the baby's life is "viable" which is pretty crazy to think about!

Not too much to update really, except all the exciting things to talk about with my little boy kicking ALL the time. I can feel every day he kicks harder and harder! This morning in church he was making me laugh, he was kicking so hard I could see my tummy moving! It really is the strangest but most amazing thing I have ever experienced. I have also noticed his little pattern of waking me up in the morning, and starting to move a lot just before I go to sleep. I anticipate this continuing for the next 5 years. haha.

In life-news .... I have been doing a LOT of cooking lately. It has definitely come to the point where it classifies as a "hobby." I am addicted to, and have been experimenting a lot lately which has been fun. Other than that life has been continuing as normal. This week Adam and I have taken Monday-Thursday off work so hopefully this will give us time to just relax and get some stuff done around the house, since my mom is visiting in TWO weeks!!! She has officially bought her ticket and will arrive in London on April 29th! I am SOOO excited. It has been 3 years (other than my wedding, which I had no time with anyone) since anyone has visited me, so you can imagine the excitement I am feeling!

Baby Bradley is still the same fruit as last week, but here are the latest updates:

Week 23

Your baby is positively HUGE, a whopping 1.1 pound (or almost at least!). That is quite an accomplishment for someone that used to weigh less than one ounce. Your baby at 23 weeks is the size of a small baby doll you might purchase for a little girl.Your little one is now about 11 inches long!

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is still making remarkable changes at 23 weeks pregnant. Her skin is still quite red and heavily wrinkled. Your baby can hear loud noises in the womb from now and as you continue your pregnancy week by week, so don't be surprised if your baby seems to move around a bit when you are vacuuming or are in an environment where loud noises are quite common.

The bones located in your baby's middle ear are starting to form by pregnancy week 23, and your baby is continuing to fill out and look more and more proportional.

If your baby were born this week, there is a small chance your baby would survive outside the womb, however it is best that your baby stay put! Many women start to wonder what might happen if their baby is born prematurely. A baby born between 23 and 24 weeks would have a 10 to 70 percent chance of survival. It truly depends on a number of factors that have to be taken into consideration.

There are babies that are born at one pound that beat the odds and go on to live a fairly normal life, while others unfortunately die due to unexpected complications. The smallest babies may survive but grow up with some mental or motor disabilities as a result of their extreme prematurity.

Every day your baby stays in the womb increases their survival rate by approximately 3 percent during weeks 23 and 26.

Generally after 26 weeks the survival rate jumps to 80-90 percent.

Well thats all for now! I will probably add some photos or something later this week. When my mom comes, she is bringing with her the baby bedding I chose (I put a pic up a few weeks ago) and some baby clothes I ordered at with a gift certificate I found from Christmas! Can't wait!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that your mom is coming Sara! I really wish we could visit. Perhaps in a year we can save up to come and bring the kids. We love you! Thanks for the updates!

    P.S. now is the time to experiment with cooking (BEFORE KIDS). My kids start having meltdowns every time I enter the kitchen whether it's to cook or get a sippy cup of milk!!
