Well, I can't say there is too much to update this week! We had our 3rd antenatal class last night which went well, it is getting more fun each week because we are getting to know the other couples a bit better which is nice. It's fun to be in a room with lots of other people who are having just as a rough time leaning over as I am :) hehe. A good half of the class is all due the same week as me, which is really cool since we're experiencing a lot of the same things.
Last night we talked quite a bit about natural pain relief and different positions to help ease the pain of contractions. There were about 8 different little areas we could go to where we would practice whatever movement it was teaching for a minute and a half, imagining that we were having a contraction. It was good because I was able to find out what things I found comfortable, but it was difficult because I have no clue what a contraction feels like, so it was hard to imagine that kind of pain. Overall it was really helpful though. I REALLY want a birthing ball - it was sooo nice.
As far as appointments go, I don't have another one until 36 weeks so nothing to update on that front! As far as my weight, I once again don't dare to check the scales. I feel humungous and know it's just going to get worse. Fortunately, I like the heat of summer and it hasn't been bothering me - although everyone I talk to says, "Oh this heat must be getting to you!" But no. It's not. I like it.
My little boy has been moving a lot lately, and the movements have been SO strange. It is incredible how far out he can stick his butt. hahaha. I look down and half of my stomach is poking out like 3 inches! It is crazy. He rolls around a lot, so it's not so much punching or kicking anymore. I can feel that he is getting bigger, which is so strange and hard to describe.
Sleep has become increasingly difficult, which I suppose is just my little boy getting me used to the lack of it. I wee a lot in the night which at this point I have gotten used to, but for the last week almost every night I've been getting horrendous leg cramps. They wake me up, I start yelling, "OW, OW, OW" and rubbing my leg until it stops. I have no idea how this doesn't wake Adam up. Last night I even kicked him on accident. haha. Anyways, it's horrible, and I read that drinking milk helps this but I believe this is a LIE because I drink so much milk that if I drink anymore I'll probably get some kind of milk-induced problem. So I will just suffer I guess.
That's really all for now - but in the life of my little boy at 33 Weeks ........
Your baby weighs about 4.4 pounds at this point. The crown-to-rump length of your baby is approximately 12 inches and the total length is around 19.4 inches. Measuring from the top of your uterus to your bellybutton is 5.2 inches. Total weight gain at this point of pregnancy is usually 22 to 28 pounds.
With the exception of crying, your baby is capable of doing everything that a newborn baby will do. Your baby is restricted now inside of the uterus, but still can kick and move. Your baby sleeps a lot of the time, just as newborn babies do. Your baby's eyes move in the manner of REM sleep and researchers believe that babies can dream vividly in uterus. When your baby is awake, she is listening, feeling and learning. There are billions of neurons in the brain that make trillions of connections. Your baby will probably have settled into the birth position by now and your caregiver can most likely tell which way your baby is presenting. If your baby were to be born now, the lungs would probably be strong enough to function properly, but your baby may still need extra care from specially trained doctors and nurses.
This was originally a blog about my first pregnancy with my little man, Reuben Matthew. He is growing quickly and the blog is now not only about him but our second baby on the way. Welcome to the blog of our growing, beautiful family!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
32 Weeks, 3 Days
Ok! Where to start. Well, yesterday we had our 32 week appointment, which went really well. They did the normal pee testing, blood pressure check, and heartbeat check along with measuring my bump. Apparently he's measuring at 33 weeks, but my midwife said that this could be 1) because usually around this time he'll have a growth spurt, or, 2) I'm short. Haha. Basically, my bump has no place else to go but out - so I might measure bigger. They did the heartbeat check, which sounded great except they had me lay down - bad idea! When I lay down the pressure of the baby makes it very hard for me to breathe; from what I have been told it's because the weight pushes down on the aorta or something and cuts off the blood flow to my brain (nice, right?!). Anyways I got really really dizzy and hot very quickly. I thought I was going to throw up or pass out, so I had to say something and they let me up! It was horrible. Other than that though, great appointment, so good that they don't need to see me until I'm 36 weeks!!!
I did go into the hospital last week because I had some pains - they turned out to be nothing but ligament pains but I was told that if I ever had any kind of pain then to go in. So I did. They monitored the baby's heartbeat for 30 minutes, took my blood, and took my blood pressure 3 times! I didn't realize they were going to be so thorough but it was reassuring anyways. I got a print out of the little guy's heartbeat which was cool, and everyone who looks at it comments on how great it looks which is nice. :o)
Then, last night we had our second antenatal class. This was a "Girls Only" Session, and we kicked all the guys out (They all went to the pub for 2 hours - rough right? haha.) The reason for the "Girls Only" session was so that we could have a chance to ask embarassing questions or talk about things we might not feel comfortable talking about in front of the men. Needless to say, by the end of this session, I was highly unamused at this whole "having a baby" thing, and not really sure I was happy with what I had gotten myself into! We talked about how after birth we'll all bleed for a good 6 weeks at least, how during labor people poo, and how irrational with pain I will get during the "transition" stage of labor. I am not excited about these things. I keep being told that it will all be worth it in the end (and trust me, I know it will be - I still can't wait to hold my little cutie!) but I'm just that much more aware of the toll that this is going to take on my body. Blah!
On a positive note, the class is going well - the other people are pretty nice and I'm definitely getting a lot out of it. Next week we are talking about labor positions and ways to get comfortable/ease the pain of labor. People are bringing in birthing balls and mats and that kinda thing. I'm excited.
On another positive note, my mom sent me a huge box of things in the mail! I had no idea how awesome this box of goodies would be, so I obviously NEED to share with everyone some of the things that we got!
First on the list of awesome things is this set of turtle/hippo things. It's 3 bibs and 2 burp cloths - and my mom MADE them! How amazing is that?! They are so soft and adorable, I can't WAIT to see my little boy wear them!!

Here's a close-up of my favorite turtle bib

And, of course, an "I love Grandma" bib my mom made!

And another set of things made by my mom: A matching blanket, bib and burp cloth! SO cute!!!

Another VERY special thing in this box was a knitted lamb made by my AMAZING sister-in-law, Julie. I can't BELIEVE she made this - his name is lambert and he matches our sheepy theme!!

Here's a photo of our changing table, covered in stuff. Amidst all of this stuff is some cloth diaper covers Julie sent me - I'm very excited about them since all the other ones I have are white, but these are colorful!

The next couple photos aren't things that were in the box, but I wanted to share anyway.
Here's the changing bag we got, which I LOVE because it's a bag I can still use after it's not used for a changing bag anymore! (Outside and inside, all ready to take him out...hehe.)

And last but not least, is the most current photo of my bump! Taken today.

The little guy's movements have changed this week - I've noticed them less than normal, but when I do feel them it's like he's completely moving his body rather than just a kick or punch. Oh, and at the midwife appointment they let me know that he is head down which is good! They could feel his spine and his limbs...crazy!
He is now around 4 lbs and 18 inches long. When did he get so big?!
I did go into the hospital last week because I had some pains - they turned out to be nothing but ligament pains but I was told that if I ever had any kind of pain then to go in. So I did. They monitored the baby's heartbeat for 30 minutes, took my blood, and took my blood pressure 3 times! I didn't realize they were going to be so thorough but it was reassuring anyways. I got a print out of the little guy's heartbeat which was cool, and everyone who looks at it comments on how great it looks which is nice. :o)
Then, last night we had our second antenatal class. This was a "Girls Only" Session, and we kicked all the guys out (They all went to the pub for 2 hours - rough right? haha.) The reason for the "Girls Only" session was so that we could have a chance to ask embarassing questions or talk about things we might not feel comfortable talking about in front of the men. Needless to say, by the end of this session, I was highly unamused at this whole "having a baby" thing, and not really sure I was happy with what I had gotten myself into! We talked about how after birth we'll all bleed for a good 6 weeks at least, how during labor people poo, and how irrational with pain I will get during the "transition" stage of labor. I am not excited about these things. I keep being told that it will all be worth it in the end (and trust me, I know it will be - I still can't wait to hold my little cutie!) but I'm just that much more aware of the toll that this is going to take on my body. Blah!
On a positive note, the class is going well - the other people are pretty nice and I'm definitely getting a lot out of it. Next week we are talking about labor positions and ways to get comfortable/ease the pain of labor. People are bringing in birthing balls and mats and that kinda thing. I'm excited.
On another positive note, my mom sent me a huge box of things in the mail! I had no idea how awesome this box of goodies would be, so I obviously NEED to share with everyone some of the things that we got!
First on the list of awesome things is this set of turtle/hippo things. It's 3 bibs and 2 burp cloths - and my mom MADE them! How amazing is that?! They are so soft and adorable, I can't WAIT to see my little boy wear them!!

Here's a close-up of my favorite turtle bib

And, of course, an "I love Grandma" bib my mom made!

And another set of things made by my mom: A matching blanket, bib and burp cloth! SO cute!!!

Another VERY special thing in this box was a knitted lamb made by my AMAZING sister-in-law, Julie. I can't BELIEVE she made this - his name is lambert and he matches our sheepy theme!!

Here's a photo of our changing table, covered in stuff. Amidst all of this stuff is some cloth diaper covers Julie sent me - I'm very excited about them since all the other ones I have are white, but these are colorful!

The next couple photos aren't things that were in the box, but I wanted to share anyway.
Here's the changing bag we got, which I LOVE because it's a bag I can still use after it's not used for a changing bag anymore! (Outside and inside, all ready to take him out...hehe.)

And last but not least, is the most current photo of my bump! Taken today.

The little guy's movements have changed this week - I've noticed them less than normal, but when I do feel them it's like he's completely moving his body rather than just a kick or punch. Oh, and at the midwife appointment they let me know that he is head down which is good! They could feel his spine and his limbs...crazy!
He is now around 4 lbs and 18 inches long. When did he get so big?!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
31 Weeks, 4 Days
I know I'm not quite up to 32 weeks yet, but I thought I'd do some updating since my antenatal classes are on tuesdays and I want to remember what happened at them!
So, we had our first class on Tuesday night and it went really well. There are about 5 other couples in the group with us and this week was just basic and getting to know a little bit about eachother and our expectations of the class. It was great getting to meet other people not only due in August, but actually 3 other couples due the same week as me! All of them as well are first-time parents so we're really in the same boat.
It was good to meet others and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better. This week was a little bit awkward since we don't know eachother yet, but I'm sure htat will fade away quickly! The class from what I remember (I wish I could remember all of it, but it was 2 hours and I forget easily!) talked a lot about our questions, worries, concerns, etc. and then we talked about the 3 stages of labor. We talked about the different options as far as where to have the babies - and I must say that I could not BELIEVE how many women - actually I think all of them - who had not been to visit the hospital or birthing center. I guess people just aren't worried or concerned, but visiting the birthing center/hospital helped me so much, just eased my worries. Anyways. We talked about the stages of labor and that was really good to know. I had just done some reading this past week about it, so hearing it and discussing it was helpful.
Next week, we are sending all the men off to the pub while we have a "girls only session." To be honest, I don't know what this means but I'm sure it will be good!
I also got my own personal midwife visit today! There is a lady in my church who is a former missionary/midwife who came by to just chat to me about anything to do with labor/babies/breastfeeding. It was absolutely wonderful to just have an informal conversation about different things that came to mind. She is so nice and is going to come by again after she gets back from vacation next week!
I was told that around this time, the weeks would start to fly by - but actually I feel like they've slowed down. It's probably because I am not taking any classes anymore (I have been studying online with Nazarene Bible College for the past year). I'm taking a break until the Spring and I suppose that gave me something to do in the evenings. Now I feel sort of useless! I'm not exactly sure what I will do with all my time when I go on maternity leave in less than a month! Either way, time has seemed to go ultra slow lately; I've been trying to read and learn as much as I can about labor and delivery and I'm sure that is just making me more excited about meeting my little boy. He has been kicking so much lately - although I've been told that soon he will be too big to kick since he is running out of space in there. I also discovered this week that he IS getting big - (or I am, anyways) - I finally weighed myself for the first time since about 14 weeks, and I have gained 27 pounds! This means that I am right on target for 35 pounds of weight gain. I was told that I would gain between 25-35, so although I'm still within reason I can definitely say that I am on the upper limit! Gah!
Today I had a wonderful chat with my sister in law, Julie, which was great. I really miss her and my brother (and the rest of my family), so I decided to call to say hello! We talked about babies which was fun...I only wish I could drop by so easily. I have a neice and nephew, 3 and 1, whom I have really only met a few times. They are wonderful little kids though and Julie is an incredible mom - I hope I am half as good as her! (I'm sure Joe is a pretty good dad too :) ).
Well I think that's all for now. I have a midwife appointment on Tuesday the 15th (I accidentally missed my appointment this week since I forgot to book it...oops.)
So, we had our first class on Tuesday night and it went really well. There are about 5 other couples in the group with us and this week was just basic and getting to know a little bit about eachother and our expectations of the class. It was great getting to meet other people not only due in August, but actually 3 other couples due the same week as me! All of them as well are first-time parents so we're really in the same boat.
It was good to meet others and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better. This week was a little bit awkward since we don't know eachother yet, but I'm sure htat will fade away quickly! The class from what I remember (I wish I could remember all of it, but it was 2 hours and I forget easily!) talked a lot about our questions, worries, concerns, etc. and then we talked about the 3 stages of labor. We talked about the different options as far as where to have the babies - and I must say that I could not BELIEVE how many women - actually I think all of them - who had not been to visit the hospital or birthing center. I guess people just aren't worried or concerned, but visiting the birthing center/hospital helped me so much, just eased my worries. Anyways. We talked about the stages of labor and that was really good to know. I had just done some reading this past week about it, so hearing it and discussing it was helpful.
Next week, we are sending all the men off to the pub while we have a "girls only session." To be honest, I don't know what this means but I'm sure it will be good!
I also got my own personal midwife visit today! There is a lady in my church who is a former missionary/midwife who came by to just chat to me about anything to do with labor/babies/breastfeeding. It was absolutely wonderful to just have an informal conversation about different things that came to mind. She is so nice and is going to come by again after she gets back from vacation next week!
I was told that around this time, the weeks would start to fly by - but actually I feel like they've slowed down. It's probably because I am not taking any classes anymore (I have been studying online with Nazarene Bible College for the past year). I'm taking a break until the Spring and I suppose that gave me something to do in the evenings. Now I feel sort of useless! I'm not exactly sure what I will do with all my time when I go on maternity leave in less than a month! Either way, time has seemed to go ultra slow lately; I've been trying to read and learn as much as I can about labor and delivery and I'm sure that is just making me more excited about meeting my little boy. He has been kicking so much lately - although I've been told that soon he will be too big to kick since he is running out of space in there. I also discovered this week that he IS getting big - (or I am, anyways) - I finally weighed myself for the first time since about 14 weeks, and I have gained 27 pounds! This means that I am right on target for 35 pounds of weight gain. I was told that I would gain between 25-35, so although I'm still within reason I can definitely say that I am on the upper limit! Gah!
Today I had a wonderful chat with my sister in law, Julie, which was great. I really miss her and my brother (and the rest of my family), so I decided to call to say hello! We talked about babies which was fun...I only wish I could drop by so easily. I have a neice and nephew, 3 and 1, whom I have really only met a few times. They are wonderful little kids though and Julie is an incredible mom - I hope I am half as good as her! (I'm sure Joe is a pretty good dad too :) ).
Well I think that's all for now. I have a midwife appointment on Tuesday the 15th (I accidentally missed my appointment this week since I forgot to book it...oops.)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
31 Weeks!
Well here we are - 9 weeks away from my due date. This week flew by, and I know the next 4 will as well since they are my last 4 weeks of work and busy as ever! I am getting increasingly excited/nervous about the labor since it is every single day now that someone asks me if I'm nervous or when I am due. I can't say that I'm scared of labor; I am definitely nervous though. I have been trying lately to do a lot of reading about birth and labor, and the labor process so I can be familiar with what is happening. I am really, really looking forward to Tuesday when I have my 31 week appointment (hopefully - I still need to book it..oops!) and we start our antenatal classes. I hope to learn a lot from the classes and I'm looking forward to meeting other preggos!
I was thinking today, I should probably weigh myself. Do most pregnant people actually keep track of how much weight they've gained? Because I have NO idea. I don't think I am above average or anything so it just hasn't concerned me, but I suppose I would like to know. I think I'll weigh myself tonight. My main concern is that my bellybutton is definitely an outtie. It sticks out of my shirt and I feel so silly.
I'm excited because I've found this website about natural childbirth and it's been really helpful and interesting. While I am not necessarily all about having no pain relief, just reading about the process of labor and ways I can prepare myself has been awesome. I am increasingly adamant about not having an epidural, and I do believe that the more I emotionally prepare myself, the chances get slimmer. I think a major part of childbirth (from my inexperienced uneducated guess) is believing that my body can handle it. I am not being arrogant about it: I do believe people when they say that it is the worst pain of their life. But I also believe that it is okay to be confident in what my body was made to do. I will probably be writing something a bit different in 9 weeks time, but we'll see. I am just trying to think positively and confidently while still trying to educate myself in any way I can.
Oh, the website is http://www.birthingnaturally.net
A lot of people lately have been telling me over and over again not to be dissapointed or feel guilty if the birth doesn't go exactly how I plan it. I think my response to this is that I do have a way that I want things; but all I care about is holding my little boy. I am sure that there will be inevitable dissapointment if something goes wrong or doesn't go as planned - but from what I have learned from others is that the only thing that matters is my little guy getting here safely.
I was reading on that website about how the birth is not about me. It's not my birth, it is the birth of my son. The goal isn't for me to look like a super-woman or a trooper, it's to get my little boy here as safely as possible. I liked that. I hope to keep that attitude throughout my labor - that the point is not about how I look or how I feel, but about him and making his entrance into this world the best it can be.
I am so excited to hold him. He's keeping me up at night a lot lately, kicking wildly and for long periods of time. I love sleep and sometimes I wish he would just stop, but nothing is better than just knowing that he is in there and he's moving like the healthy little guy he is. It is very reassuring.
I keep trying to get video of him kicking and rolling around, but it seems that whenever I get the video camera out he just stops!! Stubborn already :o)
Well, I think that is all for now - I plan on updating again in a couple days, after my 31 week appointment and our first antenatal class!
I was thinking today, I should probably weigh myself. Do most pregnant people actually keep track of how much weight they've gained? Because I have NO idea. I don't think I am above average or anything so it just hasn't concerned me, but I suppose I would like to know. I think I'll weigh myself tonight. My main concern is that my bellybutton is definitely an outtie. It sticks out of my shirt and I feel so silly.
I'm excited because I've found this website about natural childbirth and it's been really helpful and interesting. While I am not necessarily all about having no pain relief, just reading about the process of labor and ways I can prepare myself has been awesome. I am increasingly adamant about not having an epidural, and I do believe that the more I emotionally prepare myself, the chances get slimmer. I think a major part of childbirth (from my inexperienced uneducated guess) is believing that my body can handle it. I am not being arrogant about it: I do believe people when they say that it is the worst pain of their life. But I also believe that it is okay to be confident in what my body was made to do. I will probably be writing something a bit different in 9 weeks time, but we'll see. I am just trying to think positively and confidently while still trying to educate myself in any way I can.
Oh, the website is http://www.birthingnaturally.net
A lot of people lately have been telling me over and over again not to be dissapointed or feel guilty if the birth doesn't go exactly how I plan it. I think my response to this is that I do have a way that I want things; but all I care about is holding my little boy. I am sure that there will be inevitable dissapointment if something goes wrong or doesn't go as planned - but from what I have learned from others is that the only thing that matters is my little guy getting here safely.
I was reading on that website about how the birth is not about me. It's not my birth, it is the birth of my son. The goal isn't for me to look like a super-woman or a trooper, it's to get my little boy here as safely as possible. I liked that. I hope to keep that attitude throughout my labor - that the point is not about how I look or how I feel, but about him and making his entrance into this world the best it can be.
I am so excited to hold him. He's keeping me up at night a lot lately, kicking wildly and for long periods of time. I love sleep and sometimes I wish he would just stop, but nothing is better than just knowing that he is in there and he's moving like the healthy little guy he is. It is very reassuring.
I keep trying to get video of him kicking and rolling around, but it seems that whenever I get the video camera out he just stops!! Stubborn already :o)
Well, I think that is all for now - I plan on updating again in a couple days, after my 31 week appointment and our first antenatal class!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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