I did go into the hospital last week because I had some pains - they turned out to be nothing but ligament pains but I was told that if I ever had any kind of pain then to go in. So I did. They monitored the baby's heartbeat for 30 minutes, took my blood, and took my blood pressure 3 times! I didn't realize they were going to be so thorough but it was reassuring anyways. I got a print out of the little guy's heartbeat which was cool, and everyone who looks at it comments on how great it looks which is nice. :o)
Then, last night we had our second antenatal class. This was a "Girls Only" Session, and we kicked all the guys out (They all went to the pub for 2 hours - rough right? haha.) The reason for the "Girls Only" session was so that we could have a chance to ask embarassing questions or talk about things we might not feel comfortable talking about in front of the men. Needless to say, by the end of this session, I was highly unamused at this whole "having a baby" thing, and not really sure I was happy with what I had gotten myself into! We talked about how after birth we'll all bleed for a good 6 weeks at least, how during labor people poo, and how irrational with pain I will get during the "transition" stage of labor. I am not excited about these things. I keep being told that it will all be worth it in the end (and trust me, I know it will be - I still can't wait to hold my little cutie!) but I'm just that much more aware of the toll that this is going to take on my body. Blah!
On a positive note, the class is going well - the other people are pretty nice and I'm definitely getting a lot out of it. Next week we are talking about labor positions and ways to get comfortable/ease the pain of labor. People are bringing in birthing balls and mats and that kinda thing. I'm excited.
On another positive note, my mom sent me a huge box of things in the mail! I had no idea how awesome this box of goodies would be, so I obviously NEED to share with everyone some of the things that we got!
First on the list of awesome things is this set of turtle/hippo things. It's 3 bibs and 2 burp cloths - and my mom MADE them! How amazing is that?! They are so soft and adorable, I can't WAIT to see my little boy wear them!!

Here's a close-up of my favorite turtle bib

And, of course, an "I love Grandma" bib my mom made!

And another set of things made by my mom: A matching blanket, bib and burp cloth! SO cute!!!

Another VERY special thing in this box was a knitted lamb made by my AMAZING sister-in-law, Julie. I can't BELIEVE she made this - his name is lambert and he matches our sheepy theme!!

Here's a photo of our changing table, covered in stuff. Amidst all of this stuff is some cloth diaper covers Julie sent me - I'm very excited about them since all the other ones I have are white, but these are colorful!

The next couple photos aren't things that were in the box, but I wanted to share anyway.
Here's the changing bag we got, which I LOVE because it's a bag I can still use after it's not used for a changing bag anymore! (Outside and inside, all ready to take him out...hehe.)

And last but not least, is the most current photo of my bump! Taken today.

The little guy's movements have changed this week - I've noticed them less than normal, but when I do feel them it's like he's completely moving his body rather than just a kick or punch. Oh, and at the midwife appointment they let me know that he is head down which is good! They could feel his spine and his limbs...crazy!
He is now around 4 lbs and 18 inches long. When did he get so big?!
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