I know he will come when he is ready, but I'm having fun anyways trying all of these "labor inducing techniques." So far I have eaten an entire pineapple (which was great, because I discovered that I LOVE fresh pineapple!). I drink raspberry leaf tea constantly; which again I did research on and found that it is actually extremely beneficial to pregnant women, while NOT being something that induces labor. I've been going for lots of walks, and staying busy. So, he might not come tomorrow, but I just hope he doesn't come past my due date. These last 2 weeks, I can already predict, will be the slowest of my life.
We have everything ready. The hospital bags are packed and in the car, the car seat is in place, and nursery is set up, and the house is staying (relatively) clean. Come on little baby!!!!
So, like I said, I've stayed busy this week. In the last few days, I've started and completed several projects. The first one I'll share is the travel changing mat I made. I made a bag last week and decided it needed a changing mat to go with it. So, sticking with the farm theme, here it is:

I also finished the quilt that I've been writing about for the last couple weeks, FINALLY. I'm so happy it's finished! I made it less baby-ish and more little boy-ish so that he won't grow out of it it so quickly! I spent a lot of time designing this quilt and I'm pretty happy with it.

Next, I took a trip with a friend on Friday and went to this MASSIVE (well, in British terms) fabric shop. It was amazing and depressing, because they had soo many things I wanted, but it was VERY expensive. The fabric I wanted all ranged between £9-£14 PER METER. This is the equivolent of $15-$20 a yard. But, we drove really far to get there and Adam wasn't with us. So I risked my marriage and bought a meter of really expensive brushed cotton (like flannel but reallllly nice) and a meter of fleece. I also bought some patterns for some baby things! So here's what I've made so far...

That's all so far, but I've got even more projects in my head! Oh yeah, I made a cloth diaper this week as well, and I hope to make more once I get some flannel. I'll make some the next size up so after we use the ones we have now, I can make some more! We'll see. Anyways, here's my attempt at making a cloth diaper!

Right. THAT is all for this week's projects! I have some other things in mind, so hopefully I will get those done before baby bradley gets here!
So, due in 2 weeks. I can't believe how fast time has gone by but at the same time, it is going incredibly slow right now. I'm excited beyond belief; I'm nervous for labor but to be honest, I want him here so badly I feel like I would go through anything for him. I just can't wait to hold him.
We had our last antenatal class on Tuesday and it went really well; one of the women in the class had her baby on Wednesday! I'm so happy for them but VERY jealous at the same time. I want mine!!
Oh, speaking of which - here is a photo of me and all the other girls from my class!
It was a great class, I learned a lot and met some really nice people. I hope to stay in contact with some of them, and even more I hope to remember all the things I learned when the big day arrives!!!
That's it for now -- must go eat pizza!!