I have however stayed busy lately. This week I printed off my birth plan, the hospital bag checklist, and started typing up the list of phone numbers of people to call when my little guy is born. I've started putting together the hospital bag, and I have all the things that need to be put together but I just haven't really collected it all in one place yet. Let's hope he doesn't show up before I get that done!
I have been reading all of these "Self-inducing labor tips," and so far have tried sitting on my birthing ball for a long period of time (Supposed to get him in the right position for birth), going for a semi-long walk (This means about 15 minutes...haha), and eating curry. I didn't make the curry spicy enough I don't think - since he's still in there. haha. I've also ordered some raspberry leaf tea, which I have been sworn to by some that it will make him come imminently - however, I've done some reading about it and it doesn't really induce labour. It DOES strengthen the uterus muscles though, and according to research will help my contractions be more effective, and also make it less likely to need intervention. There are actually a LOT of benefits to drinking raspberry leaf tea in the last weeks of pregnancy, so I'm looking forward to trying it. It should get here tomorrow.
I've also stayed busy making things! Long story short, I got a sewing machine after many attempts. Since I've gotten the machine, I've made 2 quilts, a baby sling, 6 placemats, and a bag. It's been soo much fun.
The first quilt I made (pre-sewing machine), I hand stitched. This was extremely time consuming. I made this to match the farm theme in my boy's nursery. Here it is:

My second quilt, which was using the sewing machine, is REALLY cute - BUT I don't want to post it on here quite yet because I'm sending it to a friend and I don't want to ruin the surprise :)
The third quilt is done with the exception of the back, which I hope to put on tomorrow. I don't have any photos of it uploaded right now but when it's done I'll put them up. This quilt is also for my little boy - it is red, blue and black and has different types of transportation on it :)
Today's projects were a bag and some placemats. The bag was more of an experiment, but i LOVE it and can't wait to make another one. There were a couple of mistakes made, but now that I know what I'm doing I think I'll be able to improve when I get some more fabric.
Here's the bag:

After I made the bag, we decided that a good use of the leftover material would be to make some placemats! So, here they are!

Last but not least, I made a sling yesterday. While I know the photo isn't much to look at, when I put it on it's soo cute and amazing how something so simple can clearly hold a baby! I borrowed the pattern from
Very easy and fun to make!

That's all the photos I have for now but there will definitely be more to come!
In other news...tomorrow is our last antenatal class. I can't believe how fast it's flown by. There are a lot of things that I want to remember about this pregnancy, (hence writing the blog), so I should also update on the fact that I wake up every morning around 5 (or earlier) and can't sleep for several hours. It's very annoying. This morning I laid there for so long I eventually got up and had breakfast then went back to bed til 9.
My hands swell at night, HORRIBLY. They hurt every morning when I wake up. Aside from the little aches and pains though, I don't have many things to complain about pregnancy-wise, so I'll take it. :)
My little boy still moves a LOT, and can really push himself out really far which sometimes scares me. Haha. He hasn't "dropped" yet, but I've heard that they can put this off until right before labor, so I'm not too concerned. He is head down though, so that's what matters.
We've just started making big meals and freezing the leftovers - I've been told by LOTS of people that this is a good idea since I won't have much time to cook in the next few months.
I think that is all for now! I will probably update again this week since we have our last class tomorrow. I have my next appointment at 38 weeks, next Tuesday. Here's hoping I don't have to go to it!!! :o)
Looking good Sara! I think another good use of that leftover fabric that went with your bag would be a little changing pad of sorts! You could make it like a larger placemat and just roll it up and sew a little "string" or strip on the end to tie the roll together!
ReplyDeleteSuch great stuff!!! I can't wait to work on my quilt tonight! I wish I had as much time as you to sew!