Well, my little boy is now 5 1/4 months old. How did time go by so quickly? It seems like just last week I was saying he was 2 weeks old and my parents were visiting. On the other hand, it feels like he has always been here and I can't imagine life without him.
He's getting so big - last week he was weighed and he was 15lbs 11oz, gaining nearly 2 pounds in one month! While he's not particularly large for his age, that is a lot of weight to gain!
He is now rolling all over the place - though once he rolls onto his tummy from his back he tends to cry because he can't crawl yet..haha. Poor little guy. :)
Reuben is getting to be so much more fun lately - chatting away, rolling, holding toys and chewing everything, trying different foods, etc. He's still not sleeping through the night though and recently (about 2 weeks ago) has decided that he doesn't really want to sleep past 3am. It's horrendous! From about 3-3:30ish he will wake up every 40 minutes, and as soon as he's picked up he'll fall back asleep. He only needs to eat about every 4-5 hours in the night so I just am clueless as to why he keeps waking.
Speaking of sleeping, he has moved into his own room! I think I sort of bypassed how big of a step this was. He was initially moved into his own room but I was sleeping in the spare bed for a couple nights, and then 3 nights ago I went back into our room. We've ordered a baby monitor but until we get it we are just leaving the doors open and his room is quite close to ours so I can hear every move still. I'm hoping he will sleep better when we can shut his door and he won't hear us moving/snoring/talking in our sleep...haha, we'll see!
We've also just ordered a walker for him which I know he will love! He just wants to get around, he's SO squirmy when I'm trying to hold him.
In general he's doing really well, nearly sitting up by himself too! Today he had his shots which was NOT fun, but he's so brave - he cried more when Adam was getting his pants back on than when they gave him the shots. I love him! hehe. It's the worst feeling EVER listening to him cry though. guh :(
Hmm what else? Well unfortunately we are slacking in the photo department because my awesome new camera wasn't working, grr! It's been sent off to be repaired - but when I get it back I shall make up for all the photos I haven't gotten to take!
Other things going on...
tomorrow we're going swimming starting every Wednesday which should be lots of fun, Fridays we go to a Baby Massage class, Tuesdays we go to breastfeeding group, and Sundays we see lots of people at Church! This Monday we'll be babysitting a little friend of Reuben's named Amelia which should be fun/interesting - she is 3 weeks older than him and very cute!
I'm also hoping to be going on a course to become a Breastfeeding Peer Support, which will either be soon if I do it in Bridgwater or later on if I choose to go through a friend. Will keep everyone updated though! It's definitely something I'm interested in because I really struggled with breastfeding (and still do in some ways - getting comfortable, feeding Reuben on both sides etc) but it's been amazing. What an experience it is to provide all the nourishment that another little person needs...it's incredible.
Anyways! I think that's all for now. I will post photos as soon as my camera gets back to me!
Also..26 days until America !!!!!!!!!!!!
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