Reuben is 25 weeks old tomorrow. This is insane.
Anyways, in the past week it's like he has just all of a sudden learned so much! He is rolling around with such ease. He's reaching for things, passing things between hands, blowing raspberries, and sitting on his own. He is enjoying being on his tummy a lot more lately as well.
His nighttimes are still difficult, though last night he slept 3 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours 15 minutes, an hour and a half, then an hour. This might sound rough but it was the best night he has had in several weeks. He was getting up every hour - I actually felt refreshed today. haha.
His bedtime routine is lots of fun. I don't know if I already wrote about it before but I'm loving it. At 5pm he has dinner (which is now a mix of vegetables and fruit - I've tricked him!) We then play for a while. At 6pm we have a bath, then get our pj's on, I give him a quick massage with Johnson's bedtime lotion (I swear it actually helps). We then have storytime (currently reading through "Old MacDonald's Farmyard Tales). After that we go into his room, put James Taylor on the record player and I rock him to sleep. Tonight and last night I've rocked him to sleep without a dummy which is awesome. I then put him in his crib before he's actually asleep and just rub his tummy til he falls completely asleep. Then he gets swaddled and I've been leaving the radio on although I haven't done that tonight - we'll see if it makes it worse I guess!
I LOVE evenings. I think he likes the consistency of it and I know I do. From 5pm I never have to think, "What do I do with him now?" and I like that. It eases a lot of stress. I do wish he was going to bed later than 7:15 but it will do for now!
This morning there was a new milestone as well. I was laying in bed and Adam got up with him and I could overheard him changing his diaper. I heard Adam shout "oh my!" to Reuben and I assumed he just had a big poo. It was true. He had a big poo. But it was not a baby poo! He had a REAL one. haha. I feel a little mournful to his baby poos which I find amusing, but it's just another thing proving that he isn't a newborn anymore which is a little sad.
I love my little man. This mom/parenthood thing is definitely hard work - much harder than I had imagined. I love it more every day though. It's so amazing to see a little person Adam and I created learning and developing, growing into a little man. Crazy stuff.
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