I went into work today and was shifting through the next month and a half of work I have left. It is going to fly by. Between now and then though, I have my Settlement Visa to apply for, a week long sports camp to run, several day-out events with children in the church, and a lot of meetings. I cannot WAIT for it to be over with!
At the same time though, I am sad that it is going by so quickly. I love my job, and I can't imagine not coming into the office or meeting up with our afterschool club. I know I will still see the kids, but it just won't be the same. I must enjoy it while I still can!
In baby news, we got our cloth diapers today! They are SO cute and soft, and I am SUPER excited because I was planning on paying £180 for 20 of them (10 bamboo and 10 microfiber), but then on eBay I found someone selling them literally for less than half price. And still brand new. Anyways, they came today and I have already gone through them all and neatly organized them into their temporary holding place - baby's bed! hehe. We are also waiting to arrive: a mesh bag which we can put the cloth diapers in and then just throw the whole thing into the washer, a cloth-diaper bucket, and disposable cloth diaper liners. On one hand I realize that I am officially a DORK for being so excited about all this, but hey, I can't help it! I am so blessed to be able to do these kinds of things for my little boy. We have so much for him already.
Speaking of which, there are SO few things that we have left to get! We are still looking for a mobile for his crib, a nursing chair, and some little toys. I am bidding on some bunches of clothes on eBay, we have LOADS of onesies but since he'll be 3-6 months old through the winter I figure he'll probably need more than just those!
Here are the cloth diapers we've gotten:

And this week in the life of Baby Bradley....
By pregnancy week 27 your baby is over 2 pounds and is almost 15 inches long! That's quite large considering your baby's original size was smaller than a grain of rice! Your baby is now perfectly formed, though she still has a lot of growing to do in the upcoming weeks.
During pregnancy week 27 your baby's internal organs and systems continue to grow, mature and develop. Most noticeably, around 27 weeks pregnant your baby's eyelids will open. Up until this point in time they were fused together. Around pregnancy week 27 and 28 they finally open. During this time the retina of the eye also starts maturing, allowing your baby's eyes to finally receive light and translate images.
13 weeks to go...... :)
Do you have enough covers Sara? Let me know if you need more. I'll try to knit up some wool longies too for the little guy! Your due date is really creeping up on me I must admit!