In the last 2 weeks, two of my good friends have given birth to absolutely beautiful babies. I have been keeping up with their pregnancies since the beginning, and to actually see their babies in real life is incredible. I can't look at their photos without crying. They are both little girls. It's so incredible to see a pregnant woman one minute, and the next a little baby. Needless to say, I get emotional looking at the photos - and it also scares me to death. I've asked my friend what labor was like and when she said that it was more painful than she could have ever imagined, I was sufficiently afraid. I mean, I don't know if it's fear as much as sheer nervousness. I know that I don't want an epidural, thus I am choosing the more painful route. But to be fair, I'm more scared of giant needles than I am out babies coming out of me. haha.
This week has also been awesome because we FINALLY got the baby room carpeted. We also had a baby shower on Saturday night which was SO much fun. A couple of ladies from my church put it together, we had about 17 people there and we played games, had food and dessert (including a chocolate fountain!)and opened the gifts! It was an absolute blast - it lasted from 7:30pm-11:30pm...haha! So I've attached on here some photos of things that we got from the shower and some recent photos of the baby room. There's a spare bed in the room as well, for those late-nights and for the guests (such as my mom :) )
Below is a photo of two of the most hilarious gifts - one is a pirate costume from Adam's family, and the other is a Bee costume from Judi, a lady from my church. Absolutely hilarious, I think people know us far too well. I will have so much fun dressing him up. hahah :)

This one is Adam and I with the blanket that my mom MADE! It's SO soft, I didn't even realize she had made it when I opened it. It has a matching burp cloth too!

Here are some baby socks we got. Baby socks are SO CUTE.

The baby's new dresser drawers and some gifts we got for him!

A photo of our moses basket and the blanket my mom made.

The "Bath Box" - all the baby bath supplies one could ever want! Why on earth are there about 4 different types of baby wash? Oh well. He'll be clean!

Here are some awesome pants/trousers I found. Adam finally let me buy them because we've had the baby shower! haha. Also in the photo is some little booties that say "50% Mummy" and "50% Daddy" on them, and 2 hats that say "I love Mommy" and "I love Daddy" on them.

Some of his clothes!

Baby's Crib/Cot with a new toy he got in it and the blanket my mom made.

That's it for now. He's now the size of an eggplant, weighing almost 2 pounds! He kicks ALL the time, and I can see his little arms and legs poking out of me, which is the strangest thing ever. He woke me up this morning kicking violently. Not sure what's going on in there! haha :)
Just wanted to recommend Ina May's Guide to Childbirth .... very good book! :-)