I can't believe I'm already at 14 weeks...time is absolutely flying by! First of all Baby Bradley is officially the size of a lemon! And below is what is currently happening in his/her little world...
"Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth." (Thebump.com)
This has definitely been a baby weekend, yesterday Adam and I went to Bristol (just over an hour away) to pick up the baby crib we got. It's really nice, solid pine, and it turns into a junior bed which is awesome! Then today, we went and picked up a changing table which we got on Freecycle! SO awesome because we had no idea what quality or anything it was, but come to find out it matches pretty well with the crib, and despite some scratches on it, it's great condition and from Mothercare (which basically would have cost us over £100 new).
AND I have finally had a few people tell me I have a bump! I usually get offended at it though because I feel like it's probably just fat and I'm not showing yet...hahaha. It seems like a lot of people don't show until later anyways, so I'm not that worried. I DO really want one of these at-home heartbeat doppler things. I know that some people say not to get them because you'll just get worried if you can't hear anything, but I know a lot of people who have said they work great so I'd atleast like to try it!
Well the important date is: March 23! This is the date of our next ultrasound where they will (hopefully) find out if we are having a little girl or boy!! I can't believe that I am only 6 weeks away from finding out. It seems so unreal still. I just can't wait until I can finally feel the baby kick!!
That's all for now, hopefully I'll post some pics soon of the crib, changing table, and sheep I painted on the nursery walls.
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